
Beast Legion Bios: The Doppelganger

The Doppelganger

The Doppelganger is perhaps the Shadow Legions most prized warrior. Haveing the ability to manipulate the form of any one he chooses, he is a great threat to the Defenders of Light & their quest. His ability to transform requires no special armor. Nobody has actually seen his true Beast form although it wil be shown later during season 2.


BlueLobster1979 said...

That is a cool character / power... kind of like Peter Petrelli from Heroes or Mimic from the X-Men, the ability to copy the abilities of others. I like it a lot.

jazylh said...

Thanks buddy. I'm glad you like the character. It'll be a little later in August & i will post the script too. Can't do it now cause it'll violate contest rules.

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